In the context of the VPA, the following terminologies are understood as follows:
Principles are the areas of Vietnamese law and legislation that Organisations and Households have to comply with at each stage of supply chains as indicated in Annex II and Annex V.
A Criterion is a legal requirement for Organisations and Households to implement in order to assure compliance with a Principle.
An Indicator is a specific measure, or measures, that Organisations and Households have to comply with to fulfill the Criterion.
A Verifier is an evidence to prove the fulfillment of an Indicator and Criterion.
Forest owner (forest title holder)
Forest owner refers to Organisations or Households that are assigned or leased forest land or forest by the Government for forestry-related production or business in accordance with the Law on Forest Protection and Development.
Harvesting design statement
The harvesting design statement is a document describing the basic situation of the harvesting area; harvesting techniques; harvesting and salvage volume, categories and detailed tables on forest harvesting technical standards.
Design unit
A design unit is an entity authorized by a competent agency with the mandate to design forest harvesting operations.
Main harvesting
Main harvesting of timber of natural forests refers to the logging of timber which is for economic purposes while ensuring the stable development and use of forest determined in the scheme for sustainable forest management according to the current regulations of State. Main harvesting in natural forests is not applied to Households.
Tree marking list
The tree marking list is a document recording the name, size of the trees that can be felled in the harvesting design area.
Report on location and volume of harvested timber products
The report on harvested timber products lists information on the harvested area and the harvested volume according to different categories of domestic timber source including natural forest, planted forest, rubber wood and scattered trees.
Forest product packing list (“Packing list”)
The forest product packing list is a mandatory document in the Timber Product Dossier at eachstage of the timber supply chain. The packing list is the list of forest products for one checkand-approval, trade, export, import or forest products transported by one vehicle. The packing list for forest products in circulation includes information on the name and type of timber products, unit, form of forest products, quantity and volume, at the end of page of the timber product packing list indicating the total quantity.
List of anticipated timber to be harvested The list of anticipated timber to be harvested includes information on the location, species and quantity (volume and diameter) of products to be harvested.
Entry and exit books
Entry and exit books are used to record forest products entered and exited of the harvesting, processing and trading Organisations.
Unprocessed timber products
Unprocessed timber products are those not impacted by tools, equipment of all kinds after being harvested, imported, and handled if confiscated and still in the original shape and parameter.
Salvage harvesting and salvage collection
Salvage harvesting of timber means the harvesting of timber during the implementation of sylvicultural measures, scientific research and site clearance for projects involving conversion of forest use purposes.
Salvage collection of timber means the collection of fallen or dead trees due to natural disaster; burnt, rotten or dry timber and branches of timber remaining in forest.
Legal timber product dossier (“timber product dossier”)
The legal timber product dossier is a set of records related to timber products which are prepared, stored in the timber product producing and trading Organisations and Households and circulated together with timber products in the process of harvesting, trading, transporting, processing and storing.
Production forest
Production forests are forests used mainly for production and sale of timber and non-timber forest products in combination with environmental protection.
Protection forest
Protection forests are forests used mainly for protection of water sources and soil, prevention of erosion and desertification, restriction of natural disasters, climate regulation and environmental protection.
Special-use forest
Special-use forests are forests used mainly for nature conservation, preservation of standard specimens of the national ecosystems and forest biological gene sources; scientific research; protection of historical and cultural relics and landscape preservation for recreation and tourism purposes in combination with environmental protection.