Responsibilities of relevant actors in Development of verifiers and Verification and approval of verifiers

1. Responsibilities of Organisations

  • Organisations shall take responsibility for the accuracy of the information and the legality of all timber sources, including timber from domestic sources. For imported timber, Organisations shall exercise due diligence as specified in Section 6.3.7 of this Annex V.
  • Organisations are responsible for the development, verification and approval of verifiers or requiring verification entities to develop, verify and approve the verifiers for each timber purchase according to each point of the supply chain.
  • When purchasing timber from any source, Organisations must check and keep records of the verifiers of legality of the purchased timber.
  • Checks by Organisations entail ascertaining the validity, authenticity and conformity of the timber dossier, including correlation with the timber, to ensure that the sourced timber is from legal source. In case of any suspicion of risk of illegal timber, the Organisations shall not purchase the timber.
  • Organisations shall assess if the timber supplier conducts the checking and documentation of verifiers for legality of the purchased timber.

The appraisal and verification of Organisations in the OCS as specified in Section 5 of this Annex V shall review whether Organisations have adequately checked and documented verifiers of legality of the purchased timber.

2. Responsibilities of Households

  • Households shall take responsibility for accuracy of the information and the legality of all timber sources, including timber from domestic sources. For imported timber, Households shall exercise due diligence as specified in Section 6.3.7 of this Annex V.
  • Households shall take responsibility for development, verification and approval of verifiers or requiring verification entities to develop, verify and approve the verifiers for each timber purchase according to each point of the supply chain.
  • When purchasing timber from any source, Households must check and keep records of the verifiers of legality of the purchased timber.
  • Checks by Households entail ascertaining the validity, authenticity and conformity of the timber dossier, including correlation with the timber, to ensure that the sourced timber is from legal source. In case of any suspicion of risk of illegal timber, the Households shall not purchase the timber.
  • Households shall assess if the timber supplier conducts the checking and documentation of
    verifiers for legality of the purchased timber.

3. Responsibilities of government agencies

Trách nhiệm của cơ quan Chính phủ trong việc tạo lập, xác minh và phê duyệt bằng chứng được quy định tại Phụ đính 1A và 1B của Phụ lục V và được tóm tắt trong Bảng dưới đây.

Principle and types of verifiers Responsible agencies
  • Principle I: Harvesting of domestic timber complies with regulations on land use rights, forest use rights, management, environment and society
Land use rights and forest use rights Province, District and Commune Peoples Committee;
Department of Natural Resources and Environment;
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Business/enterprise registration Department of Planning and Investment; Management
boards of industry parks/export processing zones
Sustainable forest management Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Environmental regulation Province, District and Commune Peoples Committee;
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Conversion of forest land use to other uses Province and District Peoples Committee
Supply chain control Forest Protection agencies; Commune Peoples
  • Principle II: Compliance with regulations on handling confiscated timber
Handling and auction of confiscated assets Ministry of Finance; Province and District Peoples
Supply chain control Forest Protection agencies
  • Principle III: Compliance with regulations on importing timber
Customs procedures and regulation Ministry of Finance/General Department of Customs;
Border customs authorities
CITES permits CITES Management Authority
Plant quarantine Department of Agriculture and Rural Development;
Border customs authorities
Supply chain control Forest Protection agencies
Import – export timber trade regulation Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Principle IV: Compliance with regulations on timber transportation and trade
Business/enterprise registration Department of Planning and Investment; Management
boards of industry parks/export processing zones
Supply chain control Forest Protection agencies; Commune Peoples
Domestic timber trade regulation Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Principle V: Compliance with regulations on timber processing
Business/enterprise registration Department of Planning and Investment; Management
boards of industry parks/export processing zones
Environmental regulation Province, District and Commune Peoples Committee;
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Fire prevention and fire fighting Province fire police
Supply chain control Forest Protection agencies
Processing industry regulation Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Principle VI Compliance with regulations on customs procedures for export
Customs procedures and regulation Ministry of Finance/General Department of Customs;
Border customs authorities
CITES permits CITES Management Authority
Plant quarantine Department of Agriculture and Rural Development;
Border customs authorities
Supply chain control Forest Protection agencies
Import – export timber trade regulation Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Principle VII (Organisations): Compliance with regulations on tax and labour
  • Principle VII (Households): Compliance with regulations on tax
Tax regulation Ministry of Finance/General Department of Taxation;
Province Department of Taxation
Labour, health and safety regulation Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs; Work
place Unions of the General Confederation of Labour
Social insurance Viet Nam Social Insurance





By |2020-03-02T07:49:14+00:00February 19th, 2019|Verifiers|0 Comments